Reflecting On The Year 2022

The eventful year of 2022 is starting to come to an end and with that it is good to take time to pause and retrospect back on what has happened and how we have grown as individuals. So much can happen within a year so it is important to acknowledge the improvements, achievements, changes and progress we have made in our lives.

I encourage you to take the time to reflect, it does not have to be a long and complex process, but ultimately one that can benefit you in the long run.

Hope you enjoy the read and happy holidays to all of you 💛


The reason why why should bother to reflect on the past year are many, but I think fore mostly, reflecting gives us a time to slow down and really think through our thoughts and ultimately decide wether we are moving our life in the direction we want to be going in. It allows us to simultaneously asses what are the aspects we are doing well on and also plan for the future year in terms of considered what we would still like to improve on and where our future goals life

Reflecting is a useful use of your time because it allows you to asses the core reason for why you do the things you do and also considering wether there is a smarter and more efficient way of doing things.

Additionally retrospecting on the past allows us to see how we have progressed and grown as individuals, which can for many be quite motivating for pursuing future interests


Below I have made a list of some useful questions which you can use for your personal yearly reflection. Feel free to add your own and adjust it to your needs.

  • What were the highlights of the year for you?

  • What are you proud of yourself for?

  • What was your biggest most memorable accomplishment this year?

  • Who is the person that you could not have gotten through this year without?

  • Which activities energized you and which ones drained you of energy?

  • Which habits helped you and which ones held you back?

  • What challenges did you overcome?

  • How do you want to optimize/ improve about some of the activities/ hobbies which you did through the year?

  • What skills do you learn or improve on?

  • What is your favorite memory from 2022?

  • What were the biggest time wasters for you in 2022?

  • What were the most fun memories of 2022?

  • What were the best uses of my time this year?

  • What is something you can do today which you could not have done a year ago?

  • Which mindsets do you want to let go of for the new year?

  • What got in the way of your success or achieving all of your set goals?

  • Who are the best people you met throughout the year and why?

  • If you had to describe the year 2022 in 3 words, what would they be?

  • Which one of your personal qualities turned out to be most useful this year?

  • What are the most important learning lessons you have learned?

  • Was there something you did for the first time in your life this year?

  • Which worries of yours turned out to be completely unnecessary in the end?

  • What are you grateful for in the year 2022?

I hope that the year 2022 brought you many beautiful memories and valuable experiences and that todays post helped you acknowledge and write them down. Take some time for yourself towards the end of each year and you will start to see how it can help you achieve a greater sense of calm and satisfaction for the year which has passed while allowing you to plan and visualize the year ahead that will be ripe with opportunities.

Within the next post I will be talking about planning and setting the foundations of your 2023 goals, so stay in tune for that.

Thank you so much for reading.

Taya Bregant

Hi there I am Taja and I write about all things related to self improvement and personal growth.


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